Junior High graduation from St. Mary's.  That's Brian
Toomey, Dave Smrek & Christian Smaltz.
Main Events
The Late 70's
Classic pic of Craig sprinting toward the soccer ball with his
signature plaid paints under his green soccer uniform.
Family pics were taken out amongst the aspen trees that year.
Craig making his stage debut at Heritage Square Opera House.
Anhdai's class pic in 1976.  That's her at the bottom center.
Craig also played a guard that year.
Anhdai heading to school in Alabama.
Craig's as a member of the Lollipop Guild in The Wizard of Oz.
Craig's and his friend, Rich Strezo used to create all
sorts of non-traditional snowmen each winter.  This
was Rich's masterpiece, "The Snow Puma", just
hours before the sunshine finally claimed him.
Another family pic taken just north of Columbine High School.
Playing wide receiver in Junior High.
Craig's junior high graduation cake.
And the one the parents had waiting at home.
On to high school.  Cheers!!
Craig & Kristen dressed as Halloween bums.
"Hey Kristen, let's pretend we're alchies".  Nice work, folks.
Craig's first trip to Disneyland.  Good times at the autospa.
Even the dwarfs were taller than him.
Looking very western in front of a cactus.
Craig, meet Vegas.  Vegas, meet Craig.  Love would soon follow.
In a disturbing display of what happens when you leave your
kids home with what must have been a drunk babysitter,
Craig (in makeup, for god sakes) & Kristen demonstrate
their zeal for Halloween by staging some sort of bizarre,
butcher knife murder scene.  Now isn't that just so cute?
Craig & Kristen jockey for position to view Niagara Falls.
The Jacobins, camping with the Ecks at Crystal Lakes.
Here are a series of pics that Craig shot of his friends, Rich
and Matt, pretending to be in a variety of odd situations.  
This one was the "Extremely Angry Phone Call".
And here we have "The Instant Before Impact".
And who can resist the popular "Smiling Assassin"?
Holy Smokes.  Just when you thought you'd seen it all, you
ride your bike straight into a nasty "Barbed Wire Surprise".
Craig hits the slopes of Winter Park.
You know, for my money nothing beat the uniquely sharp
pain of an earthquake-induced "Crotch Crunching Boulder".
Sorry for the utter lack of Anhdai shots up to now, I guess her
family was too busy fighting off the commies to shoot any pics.